The hottest characters in crime these days seem to be women. Blowing Miss Jane Marple and Nancy Drew off the page, Janet Evanovich's Lizzy Tucker and Stieg Larsson's Lisbeth Salander represent the new breed of female sleuth—having the smarts and determination of their fictional forerunners but with a definite edge. NMSG produced both the best-selling "Girl" trilogy that features Salander and Evanovich's latest novel in her "Wicked" series, Wicked Business, which recently topped bestseller lists.

Read more: Women, Crime, and NMSG

imageThe 26th Annual New York Book Show was held on March 20, 2012, and North Market Street Graphics received six awards, a personal best for the company. We garnered first place in the general trade category for the adult graphic novel MetaMaus, by Art Spiegelman, published by Pantheon Books. We also produced four second-place titles and a Merit Award book, all in the general trade category.

Read more: 2012 New York Book Show

Established best-selling authors can now expect a third or more of their book sales to be in electronic formats, according to a recent report in USA Today, and nearly half of the titles on that paper’s Best-Selling Books list are eBooks. Those numbers will continue to increase, and those in the publishing business that adapt will grow along with the sales figures. NMSG anticipated this digital revolution in publishing, and our eBook production process is up and running.

Read more: Unexpected eBook Developments

NMSG has consistently had a hand in the production of books that have reached best-seller status in a wide range of genres over the past two decades. Some of the best-selling authors whose books we have worked on include inspirational writer Mitch Albom (Tuesdays with Morrie), historian and political commentator Tom Brokaw (The Greatest Generation, The Time of Our Lives, and Boom), cross-cultural diet expert Mireille Giuliano (French Women Don’t Get Fat), financial guru Suze Orman (The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom, Money Class), healthy living advocate Dr. Andrew Weil (Spontaneous Healing, 8 Weeks to Optimum Health), mistress of romance Danielle Steel (countless titles!), and even dog whisperer Cesar Millan (Cesar’s Way). We also produce the perennially best-selling Guinness Book of World Records.

Read more: NMSG Best Sellers